Co-building new, inspiring organisations

The expression “coeur à l’ouvrage” (putting mind and soul into your work) means working conscientiously and enthusiastically. It is an invitation to focus on values such as the taste for effort and job satisfaction, motivation to commit fully, find meaning in what you do, contribute to making a better world by giving the best of yourself. Everything comes from the heart, a vital organ, the body’s engine, to act, perform and achieve. It means combining being with doing.

My DNA: fostering your confidence and enthusiasm

At the head of Cœur à l’Ouvrage, I am Christelle Soler, a professional, qualified and supervised coach since 2015. In the course of my experience, going back 20 years in business, I have moved from a position as consultant to that of coach, with the aim of changing dynamics and finding solutions for people and organisations. I created Coeur à l’Ouvrage to help you combine being and doing. I contribute to giving more meaning and consistency to your work organisation. The aim is to foster trust and fulfilment

Christelle Soler, Professional coach

I am convinced that each person is capable of change when they grasp the opportunity to do so. Everyone can succeed, achieve their objectives with the right resources and support, when necessary. Everyone is unique. Diversity is an asset to be promoted.

The 5 values that underpin my activity are excellence, responsibility, cooperation, authenticity and simplicity. I also uphold the profession’s ethical charter (EMCC), that is to say general principles of respect, confidentiality, taking a non-judgemental and caring stance.This code is the expression of a personal ethical mindset

I offer my caring and sensitive support to help you tackle naturally complex human issues. Sensitivity means subtlety, acuity, the ability to see beyond appearances. This requires dexterity. It involves craftsmanship.

I mainly work with business leaders and entrepreneurs as I understand their issues. These influencers play a key role in changing attitudes and instilling more confidence in the workplace. I also accompany new generations, startuppers and multipotentialists, international executives and future directors. I share their energy and issues. I support them to move forward and build the world of tomorrow together.

I propose a 5-step approach which delivers on results!
The starting point is a discussion to understand your request. This initial stage of the diagnosis is essential as it allows me to steer you towards the relevant solution. The following step is the formalisation of the support relationship, once we have agreed on the goals and purpose of our partnership. We then draw up a roadmap together and work on making you evolve in line with your request. At the end of the coaching, an appraisal allows you to take stock of the progress made and results obtained. Follow-up is included in the mission to ensure the quality and sustainability of the change.

I give you 360° vision through my 20 years’ experience in business as an economic intelligence, international strategy and development consultant, manager and coach. I know and understand the challenges facing business leaders, group dynamics and the way organisations work. I allow you to take a step back and look at situations from a different angle to help you evolve. Combining experiences of living abroad and passions such as acting, I offer an innovative and inclusive approach with tools taken from various inspirations.

My competitive advantage

« Because it’s You, because it’s Me! »

The coaching relationship is a matter of timing and affinities. Meeting is the next stage if you are inspired by my inclusive approach which is both straight-talking and out of the box. Here is the skillset that governs and energises my activity.
















Competitive intelligence

Intercultural management

Public speaking


Transactional analysis

Systemic approach

Cognitive and behavioural

Positive Psychology

Non-violent communication

My pathway: towards more meaning and consistency

Inventiveness and sensitivity

As a child, I was lively and hypersensitive, dreaming of becoming an explorer. I would invent bicycle games, exploring my seaside town with my friends and leading investigations.

As an adult, I never lost that taste for adventure, the joy of sharing and open-mindedness, fuelled by my love of group sports and travel in search of local cultures.

A passionate advocate of inner travel, I continue my personal development through books, yoga and meditation. Theatre allows me to express my creative side.

Interculturality and agility

I have studied foreign languages and international business in France and abroad. My involvement in the Erasmus mobility programme in Sweden and Germany was decisive in my career path. I have continued to train throughout my career, with a strong desire to learn and evolve.

I worked as an international economic intelligence consultant for 14 years. My expertise: collect and collate information in order to produce a mapping to optimise business leaders’ decision-making process. Recruited for a key position in 2011 by a global industrial leader, I have applied excellence and cooperation in high-issue multicultural contexts.

(R)evolution and serendipity

I left my internationally-based strategic monitoring managerial position in late 2013 to be consistent with my profound aspirations. I continued my self-assessment with a skills appraisal. I acted to find meaning and consistency. I resumed my education in 2014 to become a professional coach I chose a serious programme, both theoretical and practical, covering a wide range of subjects. My analysis and practice dissertation was on change.

I now accompany you with serenity and enthusiasm. I help you find fulfilment in your professional environment. My background has made me pragmatic and efficient in my coaching, while being intuitive and creative.

At a glance


> 20 years in business as a consultant and manager
> An international career in multicultural teams
> Strategic and operational position at Lafarge


> Professional coaching, University Diploma in business coaching (IAE Lyon, 2015)
> Practitioner in transactional analysis (EATO 2010-2016)
> Master’s Degree in Applied Foreign Languages (Perpignan, Sweden and Germany, 1991-1996)

In-service education

> Agile management and team (EATO, 2015)
> BOT (Berne Organisational Theory) leader role and team momentum (EATO, 2014)
> Management and communication (since 2008)


> Synergie coaching, association of alumni of the IAE de Lyon University Coaching Diploma
> Supplément dame, economic and social influence network
> Supervision and didactic group, EATO Lyon